Occasionally, judges or attorneys subpoena me for testimony. I have provided expert opinions in some high-profile competency to stand trial cases in Salt Lake County. 

The process involves going into court for your scheduled hearing, and testifying about whatever questions the judge or attorneys have regarding your treatment progress or results of your evaluation. There are limits to your right to confidentiality, and if your evaluation is court-ordered, anything you say or do during the course of the evaluation process can be released to the Court.

If you and your attorney request my evaluation services, you have the ability not to use my final report in your case, if you choose not to present it in court. If you are ordered to treatment, the court may be privy to your treatment progress. The Court can also compel me to release all treatment notes, if necessary, in particular cases. Should you require it, I can provide expert testimony, the costs of which are found within the Informed Consent paperwork signed by the client at the outset of treatment or an evaluation.